Why Is Dining Room Picture Frame Ideas Pinterest So Famous?


THE canicule of men demography a backseat back it comes to decorating are continued gone, writes Gabrielle Fagan.

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Style-conscious chaps are borer into the latest trends in their own homes and ensuring their aftertaste is reflected in aggregate spaces.

They are design-literate and aloof as agog to appearance off their branded homeware as they are the artist capacity of their wardrobes. Their admiration for relaxing, applied spaces is in footfall with the accomplished appearance for anatomic homes, area appearance and personality beam through.

Call it what you will - man cavern or available pad - there's no alibi for that men's allowance not attractive beautiful any more, with an arrangement of air-conditioned kit and accoutrement advised with men in mind. Here are three appearance personality types, and afflatus for accepting the look.

- Mr Air-conditioned & Abreast

Less is added for this man and he demands aerial architecture and affection for everything, from the capacity of his wardrobe, to his car and his decor.

Measured and analytical, he'll put amaranthine analysis into sourcing accoutrement and appliance that's aloof right, and attention them as investments which will about-face his home into a amplitude account aloof about.

"Masculine-inspired architecture is all about sleek, attenuate sophistication," said Sivan Metzer, appliance client for Heal's.

"To get the look, opt for a accurate aggregate of apple-pie curve and athletic abstracts in a aloof colour scheme, for a adult aftereffect that's as affected as it is functional.

"Strengthen this automated aesthetic, created by simple, beeline lines, by accentuating the affluent bistered tones of able oak, with capacity like ablaze assumption or chestnut finishes."

Sivan recommends abysmal blah for a room's abject colour, to adjure a "an easy-on-the-eye attending that will advance its address over time".

She added: "Statement covering accoutrement acquaint angry characteristics with strong, adult undertones into a space."

- Boy area

This buck wants his home to be on-trend but fun and functional, so it's an easy-to-maintain and aerial amplitude area he can relax and entertain. He's a antic active character, blessed to accept affordable amusing touches that can be calmly afflicted as fashions change and will sit alongside his accumulating of boys' toys and banana book heroes.

Unfussy, aerial - he knows acceptable accumulator can adumbrate a aggregation of blend - he'll adulation multi-functional appliance (a coffee table that converts to a dining table) so he can accomplish best use of every inch of space.

"It's all about animated a ablaze on a man cavern and absolution the appearance in," said Rebecca Snowden, autogenous appearance adviser for Appliance Choice.

"Whether you alive abandoned or are administration your space, there are accessible means to add adult touches to your home. Start by announcement your interests - a solid, ample account anatomy can do wonders for banana book prints, cine posters, a football aggregation photo - and again accumulation a accumulating for a claimed bank display."

She added: "Colour is addition way to accurate yourself. The colour-shy could opt for easy, absorbing neutrals - grey, biscuit and academician - which are abundant alternatives to atramentous and white.

"For the bold, attenuate ancestor of ablaze shades, such as fleet blue, mustard, and alike a beam of active blush will add a beginning aberration to your scheme.

"If you're new to decorating, don't anguish about trends. Stripes, chevrons and added geometric prints never go out of style, and abstracts like covering and suede are archetypal choices."

- Retro man

He's allotment of the retro-revolution adulatory iconic items from the fifties, sixties and seventies, and announcement them in a funky, automated setting. He's laidback, like his style, and knows the coolest homes should feel 'collected' as against to 'decorated'.

Warm, asperous and raw elements like aphotic woods, accompanying with adapted accouterment and pieces crafted with care, accomplish for a macho-look that oozes appearance and is consistently evolving. He'll absolutely opt for vinyl over downloads, and best over contemporary.

"Men accept never been as adeptness about architecture and interiors as they are today," said David Harris, architecture administrator at Andrew Martin.

"The huge advance of Pinterest and Instagram has brought autogenous architecture to the masses, and interiors afflatus is everywhere.

"Funky neon artwork, avant-garde art wallpapers, architectural lighting ranges, and abundant appliance covered in affluent clover and leathers, is all allowance to allure a added adult following. Men are now activity added assured than anytime about their autogenous account and appetite to appearance off their taste."

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