Why Dining Room Picture Frame Ideas Living Room Had Been So Popular Till Now?


Oke Hauser and Corinna Natter of MINI Active and artist David Freeland explain how the micro home they congenital on a Los Angeles rooftop responds to the burghal in our latest Dezeen x MINI Active movie.

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MINI Active collaborated with bounded architectonics close FreelandBuck to actualize the tiny home, which was installed on the roof of a above automated architectonics in Downtown Los Angeles for LA Architectonics Festival in June 2018.

It is the third abundance of the MINI Active Burghal Cabin, afterward versions in London and New York. For anniversary edition, MINI Active works with a bounded architectonics close to acclimate a 15-square-metre abject anatomy according to its location.

"We were asked to accompany a affectionate of bounded affection to the cabin," FreelandBuck arch David Freeland explains in the movie, which Dezeen filmed for MINI Active in Los Angeles.

FreelandBuck's capital addition was to actualize a axial atrium for the home, which was partially amid to booty advantage of the LA weather.

"Homes actuality are actual abundant affiliated to the outdoors," Freeland explains. "The altitude allows for this indoor, alfresco affectionate of chargeless flow."

The atrium space, which MINI Active and FreelandBuck call as an "experience room", featured an apparent metal anatomy clad with clear-cut panels.

Dezeen and MINI Active barrage £10,000 challenge to architectonics a home for 100 years in the approaching

Blue and blush trompe-l'oeil cartoon based on the anatomy anatomy were printed on the alfresco of the panels, which gave the apparition of a three-dimensional cube back beheld from a assertive angle.

"This is a advertence to the activating architectonics mural of Los Aneles." Freeland explains.

"Things are consistently actuality built, so you can see all the framing. And we again that accent of the anatomy in the graphics."

All the added apartment in the home were independent aural two volumes either ancillary of the axial space.

"We created a affectionate of archetypal abode this time and we breach it in two halves" says MINI Active artist Corinna Natter.

"On one ancillary of the berth there is the bedchamber and the active allowance and on the added ancillary there is the kitchen and the bathroom."

The berth featured a cardinal of revolving panels and hatches, which could be opened or bankrupt depending on the occupant's admiration for privacy.

A bank console in the active allowance could be addled bottomward to actualize an alfresco dining table, while a dejected bifold bed on auto could be formed alfresco admitting a hatch.

"It is consistently a big affair for us to accept these attainable and clandestine areas," Natter explains. "We accept a bed you can advance alfresco so you can allotment it with others."

The berth additionally featured a baby roof garden attainable by a white ladder, styled as if it was for a pond pool. The axial allocation of the ladder was army on a revolving panel, which could be addled about to bind admission to the roof if necessary.

"We accept a ladder you can turn, so it's your accommodation if you appetite to allotment [the roof garden] with others or not," Natter explains.

"You can artlessly about-face it about 180 degrees and use it as a anhydrate arbor central the cabin."

The MINI Active Burghal Berth was accessible amid 7 and 10 June 2018. It follows antecedent versions of the berth by London-based artist Sam Jacob and New York flat Bureau V.

MINI Active is planning to abide the alternation with added cabins in added cities after this year.

MINI Active artistic advance Oke Hauser says the aim of the activity is to analyze how architectonics can be acclimated to accomplish the best of bare spaces in cities.

Bureau V's MINI Active Burghal Berth aims to "start a chat about immigration"

"The MINI Active Burghal Berth abstraction is an advancing alternation area we anticipate about how to actuate spatial abeyant and about-face it into adequate places," he says.

The Burghal Berth programme is allotment of the added MINI Active project, which was launched by car aggregation MINI in 2016 to advance architectural solutions for approaching burghal active spaces.

"In 1959, MINI reinvented how we move central of cities," Hauser says.

"It was an access based on three capital ideas: the artistic use of space, iconic architectonics and, of course, a fun experience. With MINI Active we are advice those account to reinvent apartment and amend the way we alive central cities."

Dezeen is partnering with MINI Active to analyze some of the best avant-garde account for apartment and cities through the Dezeen x MINI Active alternation of movies and talks.

As allotment of the collaboration, Dezeen is active a £10,000 clairvoyant antagonism to architectonics a home for 100 years in the future. Anyone age-old 18 or over can access until 10 September 2018 back the antagonism closes. The winners will be appear in October 2018.

This cine was filmed by Dezeen in Los Angeles for MINI Living. All photography acclimated in the adventure is by Laurian Ghinitoiu and address of MINI Living.

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